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Monday, October 10, 2011

Benefits Of Nectarines


Nectarines in fact are peaches that have a latent gene that compels them to cultivate without the fuzz on the skin. Nectarines were first initiated in china more than 2,000 years ago. Its said that the Spanish brought nectarine to the United States. There are more than 150 different kinds of nectarines that come in two major types clingstone and freestone.( clingstone- the fruit holds to the pit, Freestone- the fruit separates from the pit easily.) The name/word Nectarine descended  from the Greek god Nekter.

Health Benefits of Nectarines

  • They are loaded with vitamins, plant nutrients, antioxidants, and minerals.
  • Nectarines have a good supply of bioflavinoids and carotenoids which are good in fighting cancer and other illnesses.
  • The fiber found in nectarines are beneficial  for colon health and purifying the colon. 
  • Nectarines do not carry any fat and are low in calories.
  • Nectarines also include a good supply of lutein, vitamin C, and beta-carotene.
  • Also they have a effective supply of antioxidants that fight free radicals in the cells.

What Nectarines can help with?
  • Lungs
  • Colon
  • Blood pressure
  • Cancer
  • Eyes
  • Skin
  • Cells
  • Pregnancy

Ways to use Nectarines
  • Can be eaten raw 
  • Jelly 
  • Jam
  • Mixed fruits
  • Soup
  • Tart
  • Crumble
  • Pies

  • Its best if you buy nectarines organic because the skin is so thin it could take in a lot of the chemicals and pesticides which is not good for your health.
  • You should not eat the pit of the nectarine as it contains amygdalin which transforms to cyanide. Cyanide is a strong poison and when it is consumed it can make you very ill or can kill you.

Supporting links

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Benefits of Mango


•    The mango originated in Southeast Asia where it has been grown for over 4,000 years.
•    Mango trees are evergreens that will grow to 60 feet tall. The mango tree will fruit 4 to 6 years after planting.
•    Mango trees require hot, dry periods to set and produce a good crop.

Health Benefits of Mangos

•    Mango fruit is rich in pre-biotic dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and poly-phenolic flavonoid antioxidant compounds.

•    Mangoes are perfect to replenish salts, vitamins and energy after physical exercise

•     Fresh mango is a very rich source of potassium. Potassium in an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure.
•    It is also a very good source of vitamin-B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin-C and vitamin-E.

What can Mangos help with?

•    Colon
•    Soft skin
•    Bleeding
•    Burns
•    Dry cough
•    Fever
•    Pregnancy
•    Teeth problems
•    Breast
•    Leukemia
•    prostate
•    cancer
How to Use Mangos

•    To enjoy, wash mangoes in cold running water to remove dust and any pesticide residues.(also buying organic Mangos is a great choice)  Mop dry outer surface using soft cloth. The mango fruit should be eaten all alone without any additions to experience its rich flavor.

All information was received from the links below please feel free to review for more information on lemons and limes.

For more information or private consultation with health and nutrition advice contact:

T.J Brown
Sickle Cell Natural Wellness Group Inc.
561 929 4454

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Benifits of Lemons & lime

 Lemons are commonly known as citrus lemon they are tart and refreshing.  There are two types of sour lemons Eureka and Lisbon.  The Eureka has more texture in their skin.  Limes are usually smaller and green they can be either sour or sweet

Health Benefits of Lemons and Limes 

•    Helps the production of white blood cells in the body
•    It prevents many dangerous diseases like cancer stroke and heart disease
•    It helps lower cholesterol
•    Lemons are ant carcinogenic which lowers the rate of colon prostate and breast cancer

What can Lemons and Limes help with?

•    Digestion when mixed with hot water
•    Biliousness
•    Nausea
•    Heartburn
•    Disorders of the lower intestines
•    Constipation
•    Worm infestations
•    Fever
•    Asthma
•    Tonsillitis
•    Sore throat
•    Gum bleeding when massaged into gums
•    Preventing sunburn when rubbed onto the skin
•    Nose bleeds
•    Acne
•    Hair and skin lightener
•    Treat urinary tract infections and gonorrhea
•    Insect bites
•    Itchy skin
•    Dandruff and greasy hair
•    Removes wrinkles

Ways to Use Lemons and Limes

•    Make frozen drinks
•    Salad dressing
•    Remove stains
•    Salad dressings
•    Air fresheners
•    Tea
•    The skin of lemon dried under the sun and then ground to make a powder can be applied to the hair for a few minutes before your bath which helps relieve head aches
•    Natural hair lightner  

•    Make sure you are not allergic to this product before you start to use it. 
All information was received from links below please feel free to review for more information on lemons and limes.

For more information or private consultation with health and nutrition advice contact:

T.J Brown
Sickle Cell Natural Wellness Group Inc.
561 929 4454

Monday, June 13, 2011

Benefits of Kiwi

Health Benefits of Kiwi

•    Has more potassium than a banana and citrus fruit.
•    kiwifruit a good source of vitamin E
•    There are over 400 varieties of kiwi and it grows on vines just like grapes
•    Kiwi is good for disease prevention because of the fiber and phytonutrients it also contains folic acid vitamin c vitamin e calcium chromium copper iron magnesium potassium zinc
•    Eating vitamin C-rich fruit such as kiwi may confer a significant protective effect against respiratory symptoms associated with asthma such as wheezing.

What can Kiwi help with?

•    Cancer
•    Weight loss
•    Asthma
•    Liver
•    Depression
•    Eye health
•    Lowers cholesterol
•    Immunity
•    Stress

All information was received from links below please feel free to review for more information on Kiwi.

For more information or private consultation with health and nutrition advice contact:

T.J Brown
Sickle Cell Natural Wellness Group Inc.
561 929 4454

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Benefits of Jalapeno Peppers

    Jalapeno Peppers


Health Benefits of Jalapeño Peppers

•    Jalapeño Peppers are extremely and should be included in your regular diet. 
•    Contains antibacterial properties that help fight chronic sinus infections

What is Jalapeno Pepper?

•    The Jalapeno is commonly grown in Mexico it is a thick leathery dark green or red chiles that contain heat.

How to use Jalapeno Peppers?

•    You can use jalapeno Peppers to spice up any meal, and eat raw on salads.

What can Jalapeno Peppers help with?

•    Migraine
•    Sinus Headaches
•    Mucus
•    Nasal congestion
•    Cancer
•    Weight loss
•    Ulcers
•    High blood pressure
•    Fluid loss
•    Heart attack
•    Anti-oxidant properties
•    Arthritis

All information was received from links below please feel free to review for more information on Jalapeno Peppers.

For more information or private consultation with health and nutrition advice contact:

T.J Brown
Sickle Cell Natural Wellness Group Inc.
561 929 4454

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Health Benefits of Irish Moss

Irish Moss

Health Benefits of Irish Moss

•    Nurishes and protects your skin from environmental elements.
•    it is an antitissuive, an alterative, effective against halitosis, the formation varicose veins, inflammation, against dysentery
•    Irish moss has been applied as an emollient.
•    Protect from fat , hypertension & arteriosclerosis.
•    Life-enhancing nutrients such as sulphur compounds, protein, iodine, bromine, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, pectin, B-vitamins and vitamin C.
•    Irish Moss , when mixed to body lotions, turns your dry, rough, patchy skin into smooth, silky, hydrated, glowing skin . It moisturizes and treats even the most unmanageable skin problems , including eczema, psoriasis, rashes and sunburns .it contains A,B,C,D vitamins that nourishes the skin

What is Irish Moss?

•    Edible North Atlantic seaweed

What can Irish Moss help with?

•    Skin softener
•    Treat peptic and duodenal ulcers
•    Protects from obesity and cholesterol build up
•    Cancer
•    Reduce inflammation
•    Urinary system problems
•    Treating respiratory problems
•    Skin conditions
•    Preventing goiter
•    Helps cough
•    Bad breath
•    Influenza
•    Mumps
•    Thyroid conditions


•    Problems may comes in pregnant women taking small or usual amounts have not been proved. But the chance of problems does exist. Don't use unless prescribed by your doctor.
•    Breast-fed infants of lactating mothers taking small or usual amounts have not been proved. But the chance of problems does exist.
•    Protects scraped tissues. Interferes with blood-clotting mechanism.
•    Irish Moss has some blood thinning properties, So people taking anti-coagulating medications should avoid using it.

All information was received from links below please feel free to review for more information on Irish Moss.

For more information or private consultation with health and nutrition advice contact:

T.J Brown
Sickle Cell Natural Wellness Group Inc.
561 929 4454

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Health Benefits of Heal All

•    Used as an alternative medicine for centuries on just about every continent in the world
What is Herb?
•     Heal All is a herb found throughout Europe, Asia, Japan and the U. S.  Prunella Vulgaris is often found growing in waste ground, grassland, woodland edges, usually on basic and neutral soils. 
Why is Herb healthy for you?
•    Astringent
•    Antibiotic
•    Used as a gargle for mouth sores and sore throat.
•    As an antiviral it is used to treat herpes, HIV, AIDS, cancer, diabetes, and leukemia and for lingering wounds.

What can Heal All help with?

•    Allergies
•    Reduces swollen lymph glands, goiter, breast lumps, cancer and tumors.
•     for fever
•    sore throat
•    laryngitis or diphtheria
•    wounds and injury
•    colic, spasms and convulsions
•    for acne
•    liver disorders and liver weakness
•    jaundice
•    hepatitis
•    lymphatic congestion
•    for treating high blood pressure
•    case of limited internal bleeding
•    for diarrhea, flatulence, gastritis and gout
•    treating vertigo
•    case of parasites
•    case of food poisoning (especially after eating too many fried
•    grave's disease (mainly together with Bugleweed)

How to Use Heal All

•    Heal-All is edible and medicinal, can be used in salads, soups, stews, or boiled as a pot herb
•     Medicinal tea or infusion: Add 1 oz. dried or fresh herb to a pint of boiling water, steep till cool, take in ½ cup doses, sweetened with honey, as a general strengthener.
All information was received from links below please feel free to review for more information on Herbs.

For more information or private consultation with health and nutrition advice contact:

T.J Brown
Sickle Cell Natural Wellness Group Inc.
561 929 4454

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Health Benefits of Ginger



Health Benefits of Ginger

•    It has been used for centuries for treating a variety of medical conditions. Ginger also reduces nausea and vomiting that is the effect of cancer treatment,
•    Patients with arthritis while taking ginger have noticed relief of pain and swelling symptoms.

What is Ginger?

•    Ginger is an aromatic cooking spice.
•    Ginger is often referred to as a root, but it is actually the rhizome of the ginger plant, which is a thick stem which grows underground. 
Why is Ginger healthy for you?
•    First, ginger root is a remedy for various stomach conditions – vomiting, nausea, digestion problems and intestinal gas.
•    The herbal preparations reduce nausea symptoms associated with pregnancy, motion sickness (sea sickness including) and prevent severe vomiting in pregnancy.
•    Ginger has anti toxic, anti fungal, anti viral, anti bacterial and anti histamine properties that are available in cold and flu tablets, anti-biotics and cough medicine
•    Ginger contains protein, calcium, iron, folic acid, vitamin C, manganese, silicon, magnesium, copper, vitamins B3 and B6, essential oils and twelve types of anti-oxidants to neutralize free radicals and help treat many disorders.

What can Ginger help with?

•    Arthritis
•    Bronchitis
•    Circulation
•    Colon
•    Digestion
•    Hydrochloric Acid
•    Immune System
•    Joints
•    Pregnancy
•    Upset stomach
•    Diarrhea
•    Heart conditon
•    ulcerative colitis
•    common cold
•    flu
•    headaches
•    relieve menstual periods
•    provides healthy sweating

How to Use Ginger.

•    Ginger is available in many forms and are used differently in each culture: Oil, liquid, capsule, dried herb or tea, powder, tablet, soft gel, fresh herb and candied herb. If you like the taste of ginger, you can use fresh ginger root or powder for cooking, tea, and honey drinks.
•    The better antiflamatory action is gained while using fresh (not dried) spice forms – there’s more ginger's active protease and gingerol in the fresh root.]
•    Ginger makes a fantastic hot drink. Whether you’re dropping a few slices into a cup of lemon tea or simply steeping it with hot water and hone
•    The use of herbs is a time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. Herbs, however, contain components that can trigger side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications. For these reasons, herbs should be taken with care, under the supervision of a health care provider qualified in the field of botanical medicine.
All information was received from links below please feel free to review for more information on Ginger.

For more information or private consultation with health and nutrition advice contact:

T.J Brown
Sickle Cell Natural Wellness Group Inc.
561 929 4454

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Benefits of Flax Seed

                                        The Benefits of Flax Seed
WHAT IS Flax Seed?

•    Flaxseed oil comes from the seeds of the flax plant.  Flaxseed oil contains both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are needed for health. Flaxseed oil contains the essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which the body converts into eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil.


•    The essential fatty acid Omega 3 found in flax seed has the ability to promote good heart health, reduce the occurrences of some common mental ailments and reduce pain and inflammations in individuals suffering from arthritis
•    It promotes cell growth
•    Studies show a diet high in ALA omega-3s helps reduce heart disease and stroke by reducing the build-up of fats in the arteries, reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and reducing inflammation which is known to promote atherosclerosis or "hardening of the arteries."


•    blood pressure
•    constipation
•    colon
•    inflammation
•    reducing pain
•    menopausal symptoms
•    immune system
•    eyestrain
•    headaches
•    lower back and leg pain
•    diabetes
•    improves skin
•    weight loss


•    Soak a handful of seeds in 4 to 6 ounces of water overnight.  Drink the water and the oil that settles over night from it.
•    Flax seeds should be grinded before use to enable easier digestion and richer flavor. Once they are properly processed, sprinkle them over salads or cereals to add a crunch.
•    You can use the flax seed oil to replace your regular oil when cooking


•    Flaxseed may slow down the rate your body absorbs oral medications or other nutrients if taken at the same time.
•    If you are allergic to peanuts it is suggested that you do not try
•    Try to avoid taking flaxseed at the same time as medications and other supplements.
•    Men with prostate cance should get omega-3 fatty acides from sources such as fist oil or fish rather than flax seed
•    Ask your doctor if you can take Flax seed with other medications
For more information on FLAX SEED feel free to visit the links below

For more information or private consultation with health and nutrition advice contact:

T.J Brown
Sickle Cell Natural Wellness Group Inc.
561 929 4454

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Benefits of eucalyptus


•    Eucalyptus is native to Australia, but today can be found growing in subtropical regions worldwide. One of the first recorded medicinal uses of Eucalyptus was by the Australian aborigines, who not only extracted valuable water from its roots, but used its leaves to relieve fevers. It has been reported that early Australian developers were able to successfully treat and cure fever using Eucalyptus leaves.


•     Eucalyptus as an ingredient in over-the-counter drugs is used for temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and for temporary relief of nasal congestion and coughs associated with a cold.
•     Eucalyptus oil has been compared to menthol because it acts on receptors in the nasal mucosa, which help to alleviate nasal congestion.
•    This is one among those essential oils that hold great importance in aromatherapy.
•    It is a good stimulant and thus helps in enhancing blood circulation to increase cardiac activity.
•    It acts like a disinfectant when mixed with water.
•    Due to its germicidal properties, it is used in dental care products like mouthwashes, toothpastes, and so on.

•    Sinus infections
•    Staying alert
•    Blocked nose
•    Common cold
•    Bronchitis
•    Asthma
•    Flu and other respiratory diseases
•     If eucalyptus oil is taken internally, it aids in controlling blood glucose levels.


•    The medicinal properties of Eucalyptus reside in its oil, which is extracted from the fresh leaves and branch tips, as well as dried leaves.
•    Apply a few drops of eucalyptus oil on the handkerchief and inhale it at regular time intervals. Another best way is to put a few eucalyptus oil drops in the bath water
•    This oil is also used as a flavoring agent in some food products, baked foods, beverages and confectioneries


•    Insulin-dependent diabetics should carefully monitor blood sugar since eucalyptus may affect blood sugar levels.
•    Eucalyptus may affect the metabolism and clearance of drugs like phenobarbital, aminopyrine, and amphetamine by the liver. Anyone taking such medication should avoid the use of eucalyptus.
•    Only a few drops of Eucalyptus oil are enough to cause life-threatening poisoning in some children
For more information on Eucalyptus feel free to visit the links below

For more information or private consultation with health and nutrition advice contact:

T.J Brown
Sickle Cell Natural Wellness Group Inc.
561 929 4454

Monday, May 23, 2011

Health Benefits of Dandelions


Health Benefits of Dandelions

•    What is a Dandelion?   It is a plant that looks like a flower.  They have very small flowers collected together into a composite flower head.  Each single flower in a head is called a floret.  A dandelion is an editable plant.  There are many different types of dandelion but the most common dandelion is known as Taraxacum Officinale.

Why are Dandelions Healthy for you?

•     Contain a variety of acids and other nutrients such as iron zinc boron calcium silicon and potassium vitamins A,B, complex C, and D
•    According to the USDA Bulletin #8, "Composition of Foods" (Haytowitz and Matthews 1984), dandelions rank in the top 4 green vegetables in overall nutritional value
•    Dandelion is rich in calcium, which is essential for growth and strength of bones.
•     Stimulates liver and promotes digestion.
•    It stimulates production of insulin from pancreas and thus help keeping low the blood sugar level.
•    Helps clean deposits of toxic substances in the kidneys and the urinary system.
•    Its disinfectant properties inhibit microbial growth in the urinary system
•    Dandelion sap, also known as dandelion milk, is useful in treating skin diseases which are caused due to microbial and fungal infection, as this sap is highly alkaline and have germicidal, insecticidal and
•    Good source of fiber
•    Purifies your blood

What can Dandelions help with?

•    Digestion disorder
•    Cancer
•    Anemia
•    Appendicitis
•    Diabetics
•    Breast inflammation to stimulate milk flow
•    Reduce abscesses in the breast
•    Fever
•    Boils
•    Eye problems
•    Diabetes
•    Diarrhea
•    Liver complaints
•    Kidney disease
•    Swellings
•    Skin problems
•    Heart burn
•    Dyspepsia
•    Lung and breast tumors
•    Jaundice
•    Hepatitis
•    Mastitis
•    Abscesses
•    Urinary tract infections

For more information on dandelions please feel free to visit the links below or you can go to your local library and get Desk Reference to Natures Medicine by Steven foster and Rebecca L. Johnson for useful information on dandelions

For more information or private consultation with health and nutrition advice contact:

T.J Brown
Sickle Cell Natural Wellness Group Inc.
561 929 4454

Thursday, May 19, 2011



pronounced (asaii)

What is the acai berry?

The acai berry is an inch-long reddish, purple fruit. It comes from the acai palm tree (Euterpe oleracea), which is native to Central and South America.

Research on the acai berry has focused on its possible antioxidant activity. Theoretically, that activity may help prevent diseases caused by oxidative stress such as heart disease and cancer.
Acai contains several substances called anthocyanins and flavonoids.

The word anthocyanin comes from two Greek words meaning “plant” and “blue.” Anthocyanins are responsible for the red, purple, and blue hues in many fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Foods that are richest in anthocyanins -- such as blueberries, red grapes, red wine, and acai -- are very strongly colored, ranging from deep purple to black.

Anthocyanins and flavonoids are powerful antioxidants that help defend the body against life's stressors. They also play a role in the body's cell protection system. Free radicals are harmful byproducts produced by the body. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants may interfere with aging and the disease process by neutralizing free radicals.

By lessening the destructive power of free radicals, antioxidants may help reduce the risk of some diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.

Benefits of acai

1.    Prolongs Your Cell Life
2.    Increases Your Energy
3.    Increases Your Overall Strength
4.    Helps you Look and Feel Younger
5.    Helps You Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure
6.    Prevents Cancer
7.    Helps You Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels
8.    Promotes Normal Blood Sugar
9.    Enhances Sexual Function
10.    Relieves Headaches and Dizziness
11.    Improves Quality of Sleep
12.    Improves Your Vision
13.    Strengthens Your Heart
14.    Improves Disease Resistance
15.    Strengthens Your Immune System
16.    Protects & rebuilds Your Precious DNA
17.    Inhibits Tumor Growth
18.    Reduces the Toxic Effects of Chemotherapy and Radiation
19.    Helps to Build Strong Blood
20.    Helps with Chronic Dry Cough
21.    Fights Inflammation and Arthritis
22.    Improves Lymphocyte Count
23.    Improves Menopausal Symptoms
24.    Prevents Morning Sickness
25.    Improves Fertility
26.    Strengthens Your Muscles and Bones
27.    Supports Normal Kidney Function
28.    Improves Your Memory
29.    Supports Healthy Liver Function
30.    Alleviates Anxiety and Stress
31.    Improves Your Mood
32.    Improves Your Digestion
33.    Helps You Maintain Healthy Gums
34.    Fights Fibromyalgia
35.    Prevents Allergies
36.    Protects Children’s Health
37.    Promotes Overall Wellness
38.    Increases workout recovery
39.    Increases injury recovery

40.    Helps to Reduce Physical Injuries
41.    Relieves Arthritis Pain
42.    Helps to Clear Skin
43.    Reduces the Occurrence of Seizures
44.    Helps Improve & Even Cure Leukemia
45.    Fights General Depression
46.    Supports Weight Loss through Fat Loss
47.    Helps Slow Down the Aging Process

48.    Is an extremely Powerful Free Radical Fighter
49.    Acai has very High Levels of Fibers
50.    Cleanses and Detoxifies the Body of Infectious Toxins
51.    Helps to Prevent Heart Problems
52.    Improves Mental Clarity/Focus
53.    Improves Circulation (good for sickle cell)
54.    Cures Osteoporosis


For more information or private consultation with health and nutrition advice contact:

T.J Brown
Sickle Cell Natural Wellness Group Inc.
561 929 4454

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Health Benefits of Beets

•    What is a beet?  A beet is a plant in the Chenopodiaceae family.  It is best known for being a vegetable known as the beetroot or garden beet. Beets are an ideal organic natural health supplement (Vegetables that are naturally rich in nitrates, such as beets, celery, cabbage, and other leafy green vegetables, offer many health advantages)
Why are beets healthy for you?
•    When consumed beets are transformed into nitrites by the good bacteria in your mouth, and nitrites can expand blood vessels, improving blood supply and oxygen levels.
•    Beets have been found to increase the body`s production of glutathione, glutathione helps the body detoxify cancer-causing poisons.
•    Red Beets have antioxidants that help the body against heart disease, certain cancer and birth defects
•    Bed Beets have folic acid which is good for pregnant women
•    Beet juice is best known as a blood purifier and blood builder that helps in the creation of red blood cells.  Researcher, Mikhail Tombak, Ph.D., says that beet juice improves blood structure and cures diseases of the circulatory system, large intestine, and digestive system.

What can Beets help with?
Skin problems
Menstrual problems
Certain Cancers
Eliminating constipation
Colon cleansing
Lowering blood pressure
Heart health
Kidney disorder
Eye care and reduction of eye diseases
Pregnancy health
Respiratory problems
How to Use Beets.

Red beets are the ones to get, not the white, yellow, or striped ones. The red pigments are the beneficial substances mentioned above
Eat the whole beet, don't juice it. 
Beets are hard and fibrous. Grate them, slice them thinly, blend them, put them through a food processor, or Pound them in a mortar and pestle. Beet recipes are on the Salad and Soup pages.
Drinking the fresh juice of a beet or two each day is a wonderful preventative health measure, and it may help reverse many problems. For taste, beet juice can be mixed with carrot juice or apple juice

Before you start taking beet roots it is important that you know
•    Beetroot juice is very powerful, don't take too much of it if your body is not yet accustomed to it, it is advised to slowly increased the amount from ½ medium size beet root to 1 whole a week.
•    Beet juice is so powerful that it you may feel dizzy during cleansing, this discomfort is normal as toxins are being eliminated. It is advised to drink plenty of water to help in the elimination of toxin.
•    When you start eating red beets on a regular basis you will notice a red color to your urine or stools, there is nothing to worry as this is just the color from the red beets.
•    Red beet is better when taken raw as heat destroys some of its nutrient content. You can consume it as juice or grate it as an ingredient to your favorite salad and dishes.

All information was received from links below please feel free to review for more information on beets.

For more information or private consultation with health and nutrition advice contact:

T.J Brown
Sickle Cell Natural Wellness Group Inc.
561 929 4454

special thanks to my volunteer ;-)

Words to research

For more information or private consultation with health and nutrition advice contact:

T.J Brown
Sickle Cell Natural Wellness Group Inc.
561 929 4454

Sickle cell Disease: What you Should Know

 History of Sickle Cell
Sickle Cell disease (SCD) has been around for more than 200 years.  The first written documentation of this disease was in the year 1910 by a physician in the state of Chicago named James B. Herrick. He noticed that a patient from the West Indies was suffering from an anemia in which the red blood cells were sickle shaped.  By the year 1927, it was discovered that there was a relationship between the lack of oxygen and the unusual shape of the red blood cells. When the red blood cells become sickle shaped the end result is blood flow and oxygen blockage to various parts of the body.

Sickle cell and society
Sickle cell is erroneously considered a rare genetic blood disease.  Current statistics state that one in every five hundred African American has Sickle Cell Disease and one in every one thousand Hispanic as well as Hispanic American. Since we have started this foundation, we have found that one in every five persons we meet on a daily basis; either has sc, has family with sc, or knows someone who suffers from the disease. The disease seems to be widely misunderstood by people living with the disease, carriers of the sickle cell trait as well as some medical professionals. Sickle cell patients suffer as a result of the lack of effort to learn about and understand the disease to the extent that the proper treatment can be administered during a crisis. It is important for every one to get tested for the SC trait, especially if you plan to have a child.

How Sickle cell affects the body
The root cause of sickle cell stems from the inability of the hemoglobin (the oxygen transport molecule), to transfer oxygen to the red blood cells. SCD is caused by a single letter change in the DNA from "A" to "T".  Due to the lack of oxygen, the sickle (elongated) cells get stuck in small blood vessels. This leads to excruciating pain usually described as a pain crisis.  Other symptoms include difficulty breathing, low blood count, weakness, strokes, ulcers, fatigue, dehydration, yellow eyes, pale skin, dizziness, delayed development, priapism, poor eyesight, lung and organ complications and in some cases death.  The life expectancy for people living with the disease is 40 years and most sickle cell patients die before the age of 25.

History of nutrition
"God created man to be natural farmers, we plant seeds then reap the benefits, the nutrition needed God has provided to us in nature. These seeds of the earth, hold the answers to healthy living" TJ Brown.  Nutrition is derived from the word nourishment and we mistakenly eat anything we desire and think that we are nourishing our bodies.  The Wikipedia describes nutrition as the provision, to cells and organisms, of the materials necessary (in the form of food) to support life. It further states that many common health problems can be prevented or alleviated with a healthy diet. History points to the fact that our ancestors who did not consume foods that were processed, synthetic or preserved had less health complications and lived longer more full lives than today’s generation. In 1928, the late Max Gersson MD successfully cured cancer in patients whom doctors told they were going to die. He placed them on an all natural vegetarian diet and tested the soil in which the foods were produced to ensure that there were no sprays or artificial fertilizers used. The soil had to be as normal as possible to avoid toxins from the soil being consumed in the food, which he discovered would cause people to get sick.

How nutrition is used to help with sickle cell
As we have discovered, illnesses can be treated with proper nutrition. In order to understand the proper diet and nutrition for any disease, it is important for one to understand the root cause of the disease.  Most of the symptoms associated with sickle cell disease are connected to the body not getting enough oxygen. Normal persons blood cells lasts 100 to 120 days, persons with sickle cell disease blood cells lasts an average of 10 to 12 days.  Proper hydration is the number one thing to consider when providing the body with oxygen.  Pure water and healthy minerals without artificial enhancement is vital to persons living with sickle cell disease.

Studies have shown that nutrients like citrulline are beneficial to cell health life span, and oxygen level. Another vital compound in sickle cell disease is nitric oxide which is a natural gas found in the body that helps in the production of oxygenized cells.  Nuts and beans are food rich in natural oils, protein, and nitric oxide. African Yam, Yellow Yam, White Yam, and Cassava, contain complex carbohydrates and Thiocyanate, these nutrients work with the body to create healthier longer living cells that don't sickle. Thiocyanate has been described as an anti-sickling agent. It is also very important for people with SCD to eat foods rich in antioxidants since they typically have a very low immune system. Antioxidants fight free radicals and support a healthy immune system. As a result of sickle cell disease the immune system is low; therefore they are more likely to catch infections and viruses.

Reaching out to help others with sickle cell disease
I have always wanted to help others. I discovered the benefits of proper nutrition and my health has changed for the best. Two years ago, I was always sick and hospitalized more than 12 times in a year. On average that was literally every month. I am happy to say that the number of hospital visits has drastically decreased and my health has never been better. Due to my success I founded Sickle Cell Natural Wellness Group Inc. I wanted to share my knowledge and experience to help those sick and suffering like I once did. I find it very fulfilling, when I am communicating with people living with SCD and assisting them to live a healthier lifestyle and become healthy. I communicate with the SCD community every day, the thanks and appreciation I get from families with sickle cell is more than an accomplishment. It's encouragement for me to keep working to heighten sickle cell awareness and change the way the disease is handled and viewed by the world.

Written by:  

T.J Brown
Sickle Cell Natural Wellness Group Inc.

For more information or private consultation with health and nutrition advice contact:

561 929 4454

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


For more information or private consultation with health and nutrition advice contact:

T.J Brown
Sickle Cell Natural Wellness Group Inc.
561 929 4454




Healthy Foods that fight Disease Nutritional
Good for Sickle Cell

  • Nutritional
Good for Sickle Cell  
    "Some can ge in juice form.
    Be Sure To Always Get Organic! Foods with (*) I eat regularly"


    *Berries ( Rasberry, Blue Berry, Strawberry, Black berry, 




/ *Red Cabbage
















    *organic Rice
    Red Onion

    (list will be updated frequently)